Today, many big tournaments have two parts, which can sometimes last until the morning hours, but in these morning hours the payouts are biggest and…
Today, many big tournaments have two parts, which can sometimes last until the morning hours, but in these morning hours the payouts are biggest and…
Today, many big tournaments have two parts, which can sometimes last until the morning hours, but in these morning hours the payouts are biggest and player concentration often drops, as it is simply difficult to stay fresh and fully focused after playing more than 12 hours a day, especially on live tournaments where you play at one table with about 30 hands per hour, sometimes without too much action and a lot of folding. In this article, we will give you some tips on how to reduce the negative consequences of long playing, ie fatigue and poor concentration, and how to approach poker as a professional.
Sleep is one of the most underrated ways to recover both physically and mentally. After long study sessions, you should sleep at least 7 hours a day and it is recommended that you sleep more if you have neglected those 7 hours a day in the past days or weeks.
Sleep is divided into five phases: light sleep, deeper sleep, the first phase of deep sleep, the second phase of deep sleep, the REM phase. And if we don’t have the necessary recovery, the body adjusts by restoring only the necessary segments while neglecting the secondary ones, which can cost us in the long run.
In general, a balanced diet without too much sugar is recommended because sugar increases insulin production, and then our energy levels often fall after consuming sugar, in addition, it is quickly digested and does not keep us going long enough.
Lack of hydration can also affect the additional creation of fatigue, so it is important to always have water or a drink without alcohol and sugar.
In addition to being healthy, exercise also stimulates metabolism, which keeps us awake and gives us the opportunity to stay focused for longer and perform at an optimal level. It is also good at fighting stress and makes us more relaxed and resilient to fluctuations.
Before each session, it’s a good idea to warm up with a few situations or identify crucial spots from previous analyzes you want to work on. Working in a solving system (solver) encourages us to develop a new kind of intuition that would never come naturally, and leads us to a good mindset before the session.
You should always look for new spots where you don’t feel good or have seen with the help of a coach and you are making mistakes. Focus on resolving these situations until they become a routine.
After each session, it’s good to go through the hands that were the hardest for you and you weren’t sure if you played them well. It is very helpful for you to go through these situations with a solver.
It is important to invest in yourself, to present yourself as a kind of company that earns and the better the company operates and has better staff and tools, the more profit it will bring. If you stop investing in yourself, you will be overtaken by other companies that invest in you and will take a bigger piece of the pie.
One of the best things about poker is that you have freedom; you play when you want to and as much as you want, you’re dependent on yourself and you’re the director of your company, but what does all this mean to you if you don’t enjoy the process and you’re constantly “burned out”?
You simply will not enjoy the process and you will find it difficult to play your best game with a load and thus limit your results. We advise you to take a few days off when you feel “burned out”. This will be the best move for you, and your business and poker will still be where it was before!
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