Yichuan Ye Wins Grid Poker Tour in Perla, Nova Gorica

After four intense days the first ever Grid Poker Tour comes to an end and Yichuan Ye is the man with the biggest smile in the Perla Poker Room.484 …

Yichuan Ye Wins Grid Poker Tour in Perla, Nova Gorica

After four intense days the first ever Grid Poker Tour comes to an end and Yichuan Ye is the man with the biggest smile in the Perla Poker Room.

484 entries in the first three days of the Main Event raised the prize pool to €106,460 and 149 players returned for the Final Day, fighting for a 1st prize of €25.000.

Yichuan Ye Wins Grid Poker Tour in Perla, Nova Gorica

After almost 12 hours of play a final table was formed when Yichuan eliminated a player in the 11th place, then slowed down a bit as he watched how other players are doing the dirty work and eliminating each other.

6th place finisher Mirco Ferrini was trying to double up with A7 vs. TT, but T on the flop ended his tournament life. A very short Lorenzo Acampora pushed with 26 which was no match for Prela’s J9, who was later eliminated in 4th place as he lost two consecutive hands with 77 against AK and 78 against Ye’s K8.

Yichuan Ye Wins Grid Poker Tour in Perla, Nova Gorica

Another Yichuan’s victim was Alessandro Scermino, who he beat with quads nonetheless! With the last exit a heads-up was formed between Ye and Biagio Patalano. It was already past 4 in the morning so both parties were pretty drained and decided on doing the deal after only few hands of the HU battle.

The play continued for the trophy, which ended in the hands of Yichuan Yu!

The next stop in Perla Poker Room is Italian Series of Poker, which will be held from November 25 to 29.

Grid Poker Tour Main Event Final Table Results

Place Player Winnings
1 Yichuan Ye €25,000
2 Biagio Patalano €14,000
3 Alessandro Scermino €10,000
4 Niki Prela €7,000
5 Lorenzo Acampora €5,460
6 Mirco Ferrini €4,000
7 Mattia Parenti €3,000
8 Maurizio Riccardo Mian €2,500
9 Denis Conte €2,000
10 Francesco Paone €1,500

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