Record-Breaking $1.2 million Bad Beat Jackpot Hit at Rivers Casino in Pittsburgh

The wait is over. The biggest ever Bad Beat Jackpot in US history has been hit for $1,226,000 at Rivers Casino in Pittsburgh and unless you’re nam…

Record-Breaking $1.2 million Bad Beat Jackpot Hit at Rivers Casino in Pittsburgh

The wait is over. The biggest ever Bad Beat Jackpot in US history has been hit for $1,226,000 at Rivers Casino in Pittsburgh and unless you’re named Benjamin Flanagan or Raymond Brodersen or you’ve played with both gentlemen at the time of record-breaking jackpot, well then, you’re out of luck and will have to wait for another opportunity.

Eight players split a share of life changing BBJ when Flanagan lost with quad aces on the river against Broderson’s royal flush. As is usually in Bad Beat Jackpots, the biggest share of the pool (40%) goes to the loser of a hand. In this case Benjamin, poker player from West Virgina, received $490,708, while Raymond pocketed $368,029 (30%) for beating him in a hand. All six other players at the table who got dealt in the hand also received their share for witnessing history – $61,338 for each.

“It’s absolutely thrilling and potentially life-changing for a poker game to payout at this level,” assistant general manager at Rivers Casino Pittsburgh Andre Barnabel said to Business Wire. “When we launch a bad beat jackpot, we have no idea when it will hit or how big it will get. It’s almost as exciting for us, as it is for the winners. Congrats also to our Rivers Pittsburgh Poker Room Team Members for a great job.”

The record-setting jackpot has now been reset to $50,000. The previous record jackpot in Rivers Cashino hit in 2017 for more than $480,000.

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