After posting the article about online players posting their results online for 2024, there was a wide spectrum of results. Casuals or people outside the poker world always ask how much money you can make playing online poker. In this article, I will try to break down how much money can be made playing NL25, NL50, and NL100 online.
How Much did Top PokerStars Players Make Playing NL25 in 2024?
One of the biggest crushers at NL25 on Pokerstars is a player named “kozirek.” He has won $13,307 on the tables playing this stake. His win rate is 13.3 bb/100, which is $3.325 per 100 hands played, and this doesn’t include rakeback.
If we add 30 percent of rakeback ($1,800, which includes only seven months of the year on NL25) to his winnings, we will get a total of $15,107, with his volume of around 400,000 hands played on NL25 in 2024. The tracking shows “kozirek” stopped playing on this limit in July 2024 and moved up to NL50, which means if he continued at the same pace, he could make around $30,000 on NL25 in a year.
The win rate of the top 10 players is around 8.75bb/100 hands, but this is not adjusted for the number of hands each player played with its win rate; it is just a rough estimate. This means the average top 10 player would make around $8,000, including rakeback, per year playing NL25 with the average top 10 player volume.
How Much did Top Pokerstars Players Make Playing NL50 in 2024?
The biggest winner on PokerStars playing NL50 in 2024 was a player named “ArticBearDK,” who won $17,667 from the tables, not including rakeback over 285,865 hands. He achieved the win rate of 12.4 bb/100 hands.
He also made an additional $2,700 with 30 percent of rakeback over 285,865 hands. So his total earnings for 2024 are around $25,000, which is significantly more than the top NL25 player who put in more volume and had a slightly higher win rate but probably had the same rakeback percentage as he raked enough and played decent volume on NL50 as well. “ArticBearDK” could have won around $50,000 if he kept the same win rate and had a volume of “kozirek.”
The average volume of the top 10 NL50 players in 2024 was around 300,000 hands with a win rate of 8.23bb/100 hands. So, the average top 10 NL50 players on PokerStars made $10,345 before rakeback and a total of around $11,695 including rakeback.
How Much did Top Pokerstars Players Make Playing NL100 in 2024?
The biggest winner on PokerStars playing NL50 in 2024 was a player named “Nazareno1999,” who won $17,976 from the tables, not including rakeback, only 179636 hands. He achieved the win rate of 10 bb/100 hands.
“Nazareno1999” also made around $3,150 from rakeback, which would make his total 2024 earnings around $21,000. However, due to “Nazareno1999’s” low volume, this is less than the top NL50 player’s total 2024 earnings.
The average volume of NL100 PokerStars players was around 222,000 hands, with an average win rate of 6.4bb/100 hands. So, the average top 10 NL100 players made around $14,208 before rakeback and $4,050 rakeback on average, for a total winnings of $18,258.
Remember that all the data is taken from, that the tracking is not perfect, and that some hands are missing. Also, rakeback percentages are approximations, so the number will not be 100 percent correct, but it will still give you an insight into how much money players make on these limits.
You can also see the article where high stakes poker pros posted their 2024 results by clicking here.