A controversial social media figure and self-proclaimed poker professional, Dan Bilzerian, is back playing poker after some controversial statements. Bilzerian will be playing on the Hustler Casino Live stream against football superstar Neymar and streamer Ninja. The blinds will be $50/$100 with a $10,000 minimum buy-in. The stream is scheduled for June 22, 2024, and it is expected to “crash the internet.”
Is Bilzerian Actually a Poker Player?
Bilzerian is known in the poker world for streaming with Bill Perkins from the yacht, telling stories of how he won millions playing wealthy businessmen, inventing the LAG (loose aggressive) playing style, insulting the poker community, etc.
Having his own opinion won’t be a problem, but it becomes weird when he keeps coming back to poker and leeching of it, starting as the GG Ambassador or now as the star of the most popular poker stream.
Two years ago, after being released as GG’s ambassador, Bilzerian guested on the “No Jumper” podcast and said, “Most poker players are f*****g nerds; I don’t really hang out with that many of them; I don’t really want to associate with them. I shut most of them out of my f******g games. I never really let pros in.”
If you are a true poker player and the inventor of the LAG playing style, you would understand the competition. Beating the best, on top of making money, gives you the most satisfaction and positive reputation, especially if you are already rich and popular, as Bilzerian is.
On the other hand, Bilzerian’s story is great from the perspective of a businessman whose main goal is to make the most money at any cost. But it becomes very cringe-worthy when you start talking about your high-level poker skills and how you started as a poker player.

I don’t think the poker world will recognize Bilzerian as the inventor of any poker strategy but more of a replicator of Kim Kardashian’s business model. Besides both of them being of Armenian descent and using female bodies for popularity, they aren’t famous for any kind of skill or innovation but for inheriting their parents’ money.

One thing Bilzerian doesn’t understand, and why he isn’t respected in the poker community, is that being rich is not what gives you respect; it’s how you got rich.