Chris Moneymaker’s Poker Room to Open September 1 in Kentucky

The man who’s single-handedly responsible for poker boom by winning WSOP Main Event in 2003 is opening his own poker room. We’re talking about Chr…

Chris Moneymaker’s Poker Room to Open September 1 in Kentucky

The man who’s single-handedly responsible for poker boom by winning WSOP Main Event in 2003 is opening his own poker room. We’re talking about Chris Moneymaker of course and his new social card room that launches September 1 in Paducah, Kentucky.

Social club will be called Moneymaker’s and it will offer more than just poker as members will be able to enjoy in billiards, darts, foosball, and other social games with free coffee, sodas, and snacks.

When asked why Kentucky instead of Texas, where poker is booming and card rooms are opening left, right and center, Chris says it’s easier to open social club in Bourbon State due to less competition.

Poker clubs work differently than casinos or poker rooms, as they all operate on membership models. That means customers are charged a fee when entering the premises, while no rake is taken from cash game pots, which would be illegal.

At the start Moneymaker’s will offer 8 poker tables, with more added for planned big events and tournaments. It seems everything is ready for the big launch, except one thing. Chris turned to Twitter for some feedback regarding the logo for his social club.

Before you decide if you like it or not, let us tell you that the man himself worked on it for two weeks. Well, whatever the logo will be at the end, we’re confident Chris himself is big enough of a magnet that opening day should be packed nonetheless.

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