888poker Bans 85 Bot Accounts and Returns $100,000 To Players

The battle against bots in poker continues with 888poker revealing a massive crackdown on them at the site. This week they announced that 85 bot ac…

888poker Bans 85 Bot Accounts and Returns $100,000 To Players

The battle against bots in poker continues with 888poker revealing a massive crackdown on them at the site.
This week they announced that 85 bot accounts have been closed with $100,000 being recovered and returned to customers who fell victim to them.
More than 4,000 players had been affected by the Artificial Intelligence (AI) programmes, which suggests that it was mostly small stakes players who had been targetted.
In a press release 888poker revealed they were increasing their focus on identifying and removing bots from the site.

888poker Bans 85 Bot Accounts and Returns $100,000 To Players

Amit Berkovich, Head of 888poker, commented:
We are proud of our continued progress in tackling bots that use software to create an unfair advantage over real-life players. We know that online poker players see bots as a concern when choosing their online poker platform, and we are proud to be leading the way in cracking down to ensure that 888poker provides an enjoyable, safe, and level playing field for all.
We will continue to use a combination of AI, our industry know-how and other monitoring software to crack down on bots and ensure that 888poker is the safe and fair platform of choice for all poker lovers.
AI is considered the biggest threat to online poker because of the exponential rate at which it is developing. While the above numbers may be alarming it should also be reassuring that online poker room security is able to detect illegal practices like this. partypoker are another operator who publicly reveal how many bots they detect in press releases and on their blog, most notably having banned 749 bot accounts alone in 2019.

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