16 Players Left in The Festival Main Event – Play Continues at 14.00 CET

The Festival Bratislava has come to it’s ending stage. The champion of one of the biggest events this year in Europe will be crowned today, so make …

16 Players Left in The Festival Main Event – Play Continues at 14.00 CET

The Festival Bratislava has come to it’s ending stage. The champion of one of the biggest events this year in Europe will be crowned today, so make sure you don’t miss the action live from Banco Casino!

Dutch player Michel Molenaar leads the final 16 players, which features a very international field, as players from 13 different countries will sit down at the final two tables today at 14.00 CET. The winner will take home the trophy and an amazing 126,650€ which is reserved as the first prize. As we mentioned yesterday, the guaranteed prize pol was set at €500k but the 1.271 entries boosted it up to €603,725!

16 Players Left in The Festival Main Event – Play Continues at 14.00 CET

Michel Molenaar Leads Final 16 Players

The final day will begin with 42 minutes remaining in Level 26 with blinds at 40,000/80,000 along with a big blind ante of 80,000.

Live Stream will start with a 30 minute delay at 14.30 CET will be available to watch on Banco Casino’s Offical Youtube Channel.
Pokerpro.cc team will be present at the end of this amazing festival, so if you want to see more updates from The Festival in Bratislava, follow us on social media!

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16 Players Left in The Festival Main Event – Play Continues at 14.00 CET
