Tang has Jooce

Level:20 (10000/20000/20000)

It looks like Tang Jooce is the chip leader right now with more than 1.1 million in front of him. That looks to be about double the next biggest stack I saw in front of Antoine Saddleback with about 550k. Evan Thomas and Brendan Wolovivk are both playing about 500k while Kali Shuali is at 427k by her count.

Meanwhile the field is down to 46 remaining with the full prizes listed under the Payouts tab and cashers since my last update are below.

47 Stephen Dauphinais$802
48 Kyle Rosned$802
49 Kenton Baker$802
50 Allan Hobbins$802
52 Daniel O’Leary$802
53 James Rushak$802
54 Kyle Ivanich$802
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