Lady Luck for the Lady

Mihaela Grasu.
Mihaela Grasu. Photo: Jemma Grice/Dusk Till Dawn
Level 18:300,000/600,000 (600,000)

Mihaela Grasu went all in for 2,000,000 on the dot UTG. Mega monster stack Danny Ball called it off from the Big Blind.

Mihaela Grasu: AJ
Danny Ball: K9

Ball took the lead on the 394 flop, but, the finished board 394QA favored Grasu who’s still in the mix.

At this point, the blinds are so high and Ball holds most of the chips, so post-flop play is very rare.

Danny Ball: 28,000,000
Mihaela Grasu: 4,300,000

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