Event 10: | $400 Monster Stack ($330 + $70) |
Date: | Day 2: Jan 16, Noon |
Blinds: | 30/45 |
Entries: | 78/1,536 |
Prizes: | $506,880 |
Day 2 of the Monster Stack is set with 78 players returning from the Monster-sized field of 1,536. That’s a new record for the Monster Stack in total and both flights also set individual records for size. With 947 entries on 1b, that may well be the biggest single-day field in market history.
In the end, the prizes capped out at more than $505k, but I don’t have eyes on the final payouts for Day 2. As they weren’t sure how many players would be left at the end of 1b, they waited to make up the final payouts. They’ll be posted on the board when players arrive in the morning, but my guess is that first place will be somewhere in the range of $80k+.
Kalyan Cheekuri was the 1a chip leader and they’ll carry that lead through to Day 2 with 2.45 million. 1b leader (and PKO Ring winner) Brett Worton will start the day second in chips and Curtis Singleton, Maciej Boumgart, and Calvin Lake round out the top 5 counts for Day 2.
Day 2 action kicks off at noon in the Chrome room, and this will be my main focus for Thursday. Play will begin in Level 22 with 5:02 remaining, so the action gets underway with blinds at 15k/30k/30k but will jump to 20k/40k/40k fairly quickly.
Day 2 Stacks by Name
T-S | Player | Chips |
40 – 8 | Aaron Froese | 730,000 |
34 – 9 | Aaron Quon | 525,000 |
36 – 6 | Alex Bylicki | 1,095,000 |
38 – 5 | Allan McKinnon | 105,000 |
41 – 3 | Antoine Saddleback | 125,000 |
34 – 2 | Brett Worton | 2,000,000 |
34 – 8 | Calvin Lake | 1,645,000 |
33 – 8 | Chris Walmuth | 545,000 |
35 – 4 | Clair Ramsay | 530,000 |
39 – 3 | Craig Caldwell | 920,000 |
33 – 4 | Curtis Singleton | 1,735,000 |
34 – 6 | Dale Foyle | 1,075,000 |
41 – 7 | David Swirski | 485,000 |
41 – 5 | David Tran | 490,000 |
39 – 5 | David Vandertorre | 800,000 |
36 – 2 | Don McCall | 470000 |
40 – 7 | Duff Charette | 340,000 |
33 – 9 | Eric Davis | 1,150,000 |
35 – 2 | Evan Casey | 790,000 |
35 – 8 | Faisal Al Qutub | 1,385,000 |
32 – 8 | George Junovich | 1,360,000 |
38 – 3 | Ghislaine Johnson | 690,000 |
41 – 2 | Giulio Rosati | 1,310,000 |
38 – 4 | Glenn Slater | 155,000 |
32 – 3 | Graham Luptomn | 835,000 |
36 – 4 | Gregory Taylor | 935000 |
41 – 6 | Haochen Zhou | 310,000 |
35 – 3 | Hassan Issa | 580,000 |
39 – 8 | Henry Oh | 425,000 |
32 – 2 | Hongwei Kiu | 570,000 |
40 – 5 | Jason Hayashi | 1,080,000 |
40 – 6 | Jay Glass | 395,000 |
39 – 1 | Jayvee Lumahan | 305000 |
36 – 8 | Jeff Cormier | 1,160,000 |
32 – 1 | Jeff Saunders | 1,625,000 |
32 – 7 | Jim Zanidean | 1,100,000 |
34 – 1 | Jinyang Zhang | 780,000 |
36 – 9 | John Scalise | 1,455,000 |
39 – 4 | Johnny Yu | 385,000 |
35 – 7 | Joshua Frazer-Vamer | 860,000 |
38 – 6 | Kalyan Cheekuri | 2,450,000 |
36 – 7 | Karen Dodd | 660,000 |
41 – 4 | Kelly Dalke | 250,000 |
40 – 9 | Korey Dadgar | 365,000 |
38 – 9 | Laurence Louie | 970,000 |
41 – 1 | Lisa Powell | 520,000 |
38 – 1 | Lorne Voth | 485,000 |
33 – 2 | Maciej Boumgart | 1,660,000 |
40 – 4 | Malcolm Bolger | 805,000 |
33 – 5 | Marc-Andre Kudjick-Paquin | 235,000 |
33 – 7 | Marco Di Nardo | 1,280,000 |
40 – 1 | Michael Malm | 925,000 |
41 – 8 | Michael Noor | 675,000 |
35 – 6 | Mike Cartwright | 670,000 |
32 – 4 | Mike St. Pierre-Porter | 395,000 |
33 – 6 | Pav Braich | 930,000 |
36 – 5 | Pete Fylyma | 1,480,000 |
34 – 5 | Rauwo Tahvonen | 575,000 |
38 – 3 | Ray Nau | 395,000 |
39 – 5 | Raymond Cawaling | 970,000 |
38 – 7 | Raymond Trieu | 365000 |
38 – 2 | Rishi Makkar | 1,640,000 |
40 – 3 | Robbie Brar | 680,000 |
33 – 1 | Ronald “RJ” Simon | 875,000 |
34 – 3 | Ross Henderson | 380,000 |
36 – 3 | Ryan Permis | 930,000 |
39 – 6 | Sam Gottiparthi | 705,000 |
32 – 5 | Sam Raz | 685,000 |
32 – 9 | Sevon Zargarian | 285,000 |
39 – 2 | Shawn Lange | 335,000 |
33 – 3 | Terrill Coughlin | 802,000 |
39 – 9 | Thomas Sloan | 1,225,000 |
34 – 4 | Tsai Kuan Yu | 144,000 |
32 – 2 | Uldis Sokolovskis | 490,000 |
36 – 1 | Yvan Gravel | 565,000 |
34 – 7 | Zhigang Yang | 350000 |
35 – 1 | Zhiyu Chen | 195,000 |
35 – 5 | Zoran Pribilovic | Graham Lupton |
Day 2 Chips by Seat
I think I made a typo in the 1a chips as there are two players in Seat 2 on Table 32. I verified one of the seat assignments as correct off the 1b slips, but I don’t have 1a slips anymore to check that one, so I suspect that Hongwei Kiu is listed in the wrong seat. My apologies.
T-S | Player | Chips |
32 – 1 | Jeff Saunders | 1,625,000 |
32 – 2 | Hongwei Kiu | 570,000 |
32 – 2 | Uldis Sokolovskis | 490,000 |
32 – 3 | Graham Luptomn | 835,000 |
32 – 4 | Mike St. Pierre-Porter | 395,000 |
32 – 5 | Sam Raz | 685,000 |
32 – 7 | Jim Zanidean | 1,100,000 |
32 – 8 | George Junovich | 1,360,000 |
32 – 9 | Sevon Zargarian | 285,000 |
33 – 1 | Ronald “RJ” Simon | 875,000 |
33 – 2 | Maciej Boumgart | 1,660,000 |
33 – 3 | Terrill Coughlin | 802,000 |
33 – 4 | Curtis Singleton | 1,735,000 |
33 – 5 | Marc-Andre Kudjick-Paquin | 235,000 |
33 – 6 | Pav Braich | 930,000 |
33 – 7 | Marco Di Nardo | 1,280,000 |
33 – 8 | Chris Walmuth | 545,000 |
33 – 9 | Eric Davis | 1,150,000 |
34 – 1 | Jinyang Zhang | 780,000 |
34 – 2 | Brett Worton | 2,000,000 |
34 – 3 | Ross Henderson | 380,000 |
34 – 4 | Tsai Kuan Yu | 144,000 |
34 – 5 | Rauwo Tahvonen | 575,000 |
34 – 6 | Dale Foyle | 1,075,000 |
34 – 7 | Zhigang Yang | 350000 |
34 – 8 | Calvin Lake | 1,645,000 |
34 – 9 | Aaron Quon | 525,000 |
35 – 1 | Zhiyu Chen | 195,000 |
35 – 2 | Evan Casey | 790,000 |
35 – 3 | Hassan Issa | 580,000 |
35 – 4 | Clair Ramsay | 530,000 |
35 – 5 | Zoran Pribilovic | 250,000 |
35 – 6 | Mike Cartwright | 670,000 |
35 – 7 | Joshua Frazer-Vamer | 860,000 |
35 – 8 | Faisal Al Qutub | 1,385,000 |
36 – 1 | Yvan Gravel | 565,000 |
36 – 2 | Don McCall | 470000 |
36 – 3 | Ryan Permis | 930,000 |
36 – 4 | Gregory Taylor | 935000 |
36 – 5 | Pete Fylyma | 1,480,000 |
36 – 6 | Alex Bylicki | 1,095,000 |
36 – 7 | Karen Dodd | 660,000 |
36 – 8 | Jeff Cormier | 1,160,000 |
36 – 9 | John Scalise | 1,455,000 |
38 – 1 | Lorne Voth | 485,000 |
38 – 2 | Rishi Makkar | 1,640,000 |
38 – 3 | Ray Nau | 395,000 |
38 – 4 | Glenn Slater | 155,000 |
38 – 5 | Allan McKinnon | 105,000 |
38 – 6 | Kalyan Cheekuri | 2,450,000 |
38 – 7 | Raymond Trieu | 365000 |
38 – 8 | Ghislaine Johnson | 690,000 |
38 – 9 | Laurence Louie | 970,000 |
39 – 1 | Jayvee Lumahan | 305000 |
39 – 2 | Shawn Lange | 335,000 |
39 – 3 | Craig Caldwell | 920,000 |
39 – 4 | Johnny Yu | 385,000 |
39 – 5 | David Vandertorre | 800,000 |
39 – 5 | Raymond Cawaling | 970,000 |
39 – 6 | Sam Gottiparthi | 705,000 |
39 – 8 | Henry Oh | 425,000 |
39 – 9 | Thomas Sloan | 1,225,000 |
40 – 1 | Michael Malm | 925,000 |
40 – 3 | Robbie Brar | 680,000 |
40 – 4 | Malcolm Bolger | 805,000 |
40 – 5 | Jason Hayashi | 1,080,000 |
40 – 6 | Jay Glass | 395,000 |
40 – 7 | Duff Charette | 340,000 |
40 – 8 | Aaron Froese | 730,000 |
40 – 9 | Korey Dadgar | 365,000 |
41 – 1 | Lisa Powell | 520,000 |
41 – 2 | Giulio Rosati | 1,310,000 |
41 – 3 | Antoine Saddleback | 125,000 |
41 – 4 | Kelly Dalke | 250,000 |
41 – 5 | David Tran | 490,000 |
41 – 6 | Haochen Zhou | 310,000 |
41 – 7 | David Swirski | 485,000 |
41 – 8 | Michael Noor | 675,000 |