Crazy Action on Table 15

Level 2:8,000/16,000 (16,000)

After some earlier betting, action was on Virginia Mihaela Grasu who went all in for 262,000 from the Big Blind. It was then on Nikita Voroncovs, who, seated in the Hi-jack, re-jammed for 645,000. Then, Artur Craciun proceeded to also go all in for 590,000.

The decision was then on Danny Ball, who took his time before folding.

Virginia Mihaela Grasu: AJ
Nikita Voroncovs: 88
Artur Craciun: QQ

As the board spelled out KA2109, no player busted, but there were some serious swings in the stack sizes. After the dealer had calculated everything, Danny Ball revealed he folded AQ.

Virginia Mihaela Gasu: 810,000
Artur Craciun: 645,000
Nikita Voroncovs: 55,000

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