Big Pot to Plater

Kieran Plater.
Kieran Plater. Photo: Jemma Grice/Dusk Till dawn
Level 12:3,000/6,000 (6,000)
Prizes:£100,000 GTD

Crazy scenes on Table 1 when the board read Q8AJ2. Scott Boyle was all in, and Kieran Plater was Heads Up against Colin Paddington.

Paddington checked the completed board, telling Plater “You need to pull the trigger”. Plater listened and went all in for 216,500. Paddington called instantly.

Scott Boyle: KQ
Kieran Plater: J9
Colin Paddington: A4

With his flush, Plater eliminated Boyle and took a hefty chunk out of Paddington’s stack.

Kieran Plater: 580,000
Colin Paddington: 200,000
Scott Boyle: 0

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