A Very Aggressive Turn Bet

Level 2:8,000/16,000 (16,000)

On a 8936 board with roughly 150,000 in the middle, Martyn Frey bet – are you sitting down? – 15,000.

“I didn’t mean to do that”, Frey uttered in chock to the dealer. “What happens now?”, he continued as the dealer informed him that his bet would be changed to the minimum amount of 16,000. We can only imagine the confusion John Holmes went through as he made the call.

On the river Q, Frey now bet 75,000 prior to taking a bit of his baked potato-dish. Holmes ultimately made the call.

“Sixes”, Frey announced as he turned over 66. Holmes confirmed Frey’s set was good as he mucked his hand.

Martyn Frey: 1,200,000
John Holmes: 390,000

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