A Few More Notable Stacks & Some Hands from Alex

Level:14 (3000/5000/5000)
Entries:171/649 (255/1371)
Prizes:$983,235 ($2,077,065)

Alex has been wandering around watching some of the action as well and he just relayed a couple of interesting hands to me. Steve Zhang just won a hand with trips over trips blind on blind when both players rivered trip sixes. Ryan Jensen preserved his tournament life by open-folding a set of eights on a seven-nine-three-eight-six board, He would have been at risk with a call on the very straight-y board and elected for discretion over valour.

Notable Stacks

Kalyan Cheekuri140,000
Shawn Leis130,000
Weimin Hou120,000
Anthiny Mar110,000
Jodie Dunfield100,000
Chris Bowers235,000
Steve Dejarlais200,000
Richard Rex120,000
Matt Hall200,000
Colin Burton300,000
Marc Lavergne210,000
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