1b Matches 1a in Level 3

Level:3 (200/300/300)
Entries:34/38 (39/76 combined)
Prizes:Day 1b: $21,660, Combined: $43,320

There are about 15 minutes to play in Level 3 and the 1b field has already equaled the final numbers for 1a with 38 entries on the board right now. That puts $21,660 into the prizes from today for a combined total of $43,220 but with more than 3.5 hours of entry still available, those numbers will grow.

Among the players in action early today are Weston Pring, Michael Malm, Curtis Singleton, Nadav Biton, David Johnson, Kyle Bonazzo, Larry Quon, Michael St. Pierre-Porter, Jerry Tria, Jo Teliani, Julius Roque, and Ross Wilson.

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