Break Chips for Final 16

Level:13 (1500/3000/3000)
Prizes:$41,610 ($27,010 prizes, $14,600 bounties)

Alex Liu and Garry Sandhu are the leaders to start Level 13 as the only players with more than 300k in front of them.

1Brady O’hara66,000
2Scott Munro119,500
4Nicholas Milkovich120,000
5Sam Gottiparthi126,000
6John MacArthy30,500
7Deven Lane27,000
8Kenny Ta61,000
9Alex LIu335,000
1Garry Sandhu308,000
2Kyle Levicki265,000
3Michael Khan133,000
4Mike Malm210,000
6Stefan Maloney30,000
7Jerry Li56,500
8Tony Comely49,500
9Mike Kim230,000
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