As 2024 winds down, the Alberta poker scene is heating up with the final series of the Pure Poker Tour (PPT) season. The trophy events kick off at Pure Casino Yellowhead on November 21 with the Seniors First event, followed by 11 days of action-packed poker, and highlighted by the $1,100 Main Event starting on November 29.
Check out live updates and reporting from the 2024 Pure Poker Tour Series #6 by Lyle Bateman. Chose an event of your choice down below:
25 Left in the Main
Level: 18 (5000/10000/10000) Entries: 25/316 Prizes: $287,198 Taran Parmar was the most recent player to hit the rail on Day 2 of the Main Event, bringing the field down to 25 remaining.
Down to 26
Level: 18 (5000/10000/10000) Entries: 26/316 Prizes: $297,198 They are down to 26 players left now after Skyler York took the first payout of $2,760. Players will be getting that payout until 18th place when it jumps to $3,320.
Meanwhile, on another table, Nathan Masih raised the middle to 20k and Aaron Quon called from the small blind to see a flop of J♣J♦9♠. Quon check-called for 25k, and both players checked the Q♠ turn. Quon led out for 45k on the Q♦ river and Masih gave it up.
38 Entries in Level 2
Level: 2 (100/200/200) Entries: 35/38 Prizes: $10,830 The side game is underway with the first level of play already complete. Level 2 has just begun with 38 entries on the board and 35 still in play. I won’t be watching this one very closely while Day 2 of the Main is running but if the Main finishes earlier than this one, I’ll finish my night here. My guess is that this one finishes first, however, so I don’t expect to get much coverage done on this final event of the 2024 PPT.
Chips for Final Three Tables from Break
Level: 18 (5000/10000/10000) Entries: 27/316 Prizes: $297,198 Trevor Patrick was the player who bubbled the final three tables tonight for the final payout of $2,190. Below are the chips for the final 27 as counted at break with Sen Vijayaratnam still leading by a mile.
T-S Player Chips 1 – 1 Alemu Makonen 273,000 1 – 2 Garry Sandhu 622,000 1 – 3 Steve Chung 451,000 1 – 4 Andy Wong 199,000 1 – 5 Alex Liu 252,000 1 – 6 Jatinder Brar 405,000 1 – 7 Colten Yamagishi 506,000 1 – 8 Michael Bernstein 221,000 1 – 9 Ali Khani 179,000 2 – 1 Nathan Masih 220,000 2 – 2 Andy Truong 248,000 2 – 3 Kyle Levivki 645,000 2 – 4 Stephen Dauphinais 447,000 2 – 5 Tony Comely 453,000 2 – 6 Aaron Quon 334,000 2 – 7 John Huynh 222,000 2 – 8 Jerry Tria 444,000 2 – 8 Taran Parmar 184,000 4 – 1 Skyler York 181,000 4 – 2 Quentin Siffledeen 400,000 4 – 3 Sen Vijayaratnam 1,320,000 4 – 4 Rob Limpert 275,000 4 – 5 Keith Schultz 177,000 4 – 6 Johnny Dalphond 169,000 4 – 7 Bash Ramahi 189,000 4 – 8 Kyle Bonazzo 213,000 4 – 9 Jeff Forester 214,000 -
One Away from Three Tables
Level: 17 (4000/8000/8000) Entries: 28/316 Prizes: $297,198 There are 28 players left now with about 15 minutes to play in Level 17 after Yaofei Feng hit the cage in 29th place.
Nearing Three Tables
Level: 17 (4000/8000/8000) Entries: 29/316 Prizes: $297,198 They are down to 29 now, just two players away from the final three tables. Ben Cooper was the most recent player to hit the exit for $2,190 and there are two more places to pay out at that level before it jumps to $2,760 minimum for the final three tables.
30 Players Left in the Main
Level: 17 (4000/8000/8000) Entries: 30/316 Prizes: $297,198 They are down to 30 left in the Main Event now with about 25 minutes to play in Level 17. Jimmy Lee took 32nd place today, followed closely behind by Geordi Lobe in 31st.
Down to 32
Level: 17 (4000/8000/8000) Entries: 32/316 Prizes: $297,198 Kim Graham was the runner-up in the last Main Event on the PPT and he made Day 2 once again here this time around. His day ended a little earlier this time, however, when Ali Khani raised the cutoff to 18k, then snapped it off when Graham shoved a smaller stack.
Graham was dominated with ace-six into ace-king, and while the dealer originally thought it was a chopped pot, the king played for Khani to take it and send Graham to the rail for 33rd place today. There are about 30 minutes to play in Level 17 before the first break of Day 2.
“Bad Beat on Table 5”
Level: 17 (4000/8000/8000) Entries: 33/316 Prizes: $297,198 If this was a cash game, the bad beat jackpot likely would have just been paid out. MOney went in on the flop with Nathan Masih on quad tens but Johnny Dalphond open-ended to the straight flush with ten-jack-queen-king of clubs. The table erupted with “Wow!” when the [invalid notations] came on the river to give Dalphond the Royal and the double up.
Meanwhile, on another table Ottawa moving magnate Marc Lavergne hit the rail for 34th place today.
Down to 4 Tables
Level: 16 (3000/6000/6000) Entries: 35/316 Prizes: $297,198 They are down to 35 left now with the exits of Ron Lauzon, Mal Hagan, and Chad Horseman with Horseman as the first player in the pay jump to $2,190. There are about 15 minutes remaining in Level 16.
Down to 38 Early
Level: 16 (3000/6000/6000) Entries: 38/316 Prizes: $297,198 There were a few very short stacks to start the day today, and among them were Thomas Taylor and Kevin Voyer. The mixed-game specialist, Taylor, was the first player to hit the rail today for a min-cash of $1,810 and Kevin Voyer followed him out of the room shortly afterward.
Day 2 is Underway!
Level: 16 (3000/6000/6000) Entries: 40/316 Prizes: $297,198 The final 40 players in the Main Event are back in their seats for Day 2 and the money play. Level 16 is just underway and they’ll play until there’s a winner later tonight.
Vijayaratnam Leads Day 2 Stacks
Event: Event #14: $1,100 Main Event Day 2 ($990 + $110) Date: Dec 1, Noon Blinds: 60 Minutes Entries: 40/316 Prizes: $297,198 1st Place: $62,468 Day 2 is set with 40 players returning, and 1a chip leader Sen Vijataratnam leading the way by more than 300k. The second stack for Day 2 will be Day 1b leader Jatinder Brar with Colten Yamagishi, Garry Sandhu, and Steve Chung, all from 1b, rounding out the top five stacks.
Day 2 gets underway at noon on Sunday but players are asked to be in the room by 11:45 so the bags can be opened on time. They’ll start play at the end of Level 15 with less than 2 minutes remaining on the clock.
Play is expected to finish on Sunday, but depending on how late things go, the tournament director reserves the right to stop the game and bring the remaining players back for a Day 3 on Monday if required.
Day 2 Stacks by Table-Seat
T-S Player Chips 1 – 1 Alemu Makonen 176,000 1 – 2 Kim Graham 98,000 1 – 3 Kyle Bonazzo 140,000 1 – 5 Alex Liu 332,000 1 – 6 Jatinder Brar 630,000 1 – 7 Colten Yamagishi 503,000 1 – 8 Michael Bernstein 41,000 1 – 9 Ali Khani 203,000 2 – 1 Thomas Taylor 89,000 2 – 2 Andy Truong 136,000 2 – 3 Kyle Levivki 116,000 2 – 4 Marc Lavergne 155,000 2 – 5 Tony Comely 280,000 2 – 6 Chad Horseman 71,000 2 – 7 Jimmy Lee 380,000 2 – 8 Taran Parmar 258,000 3 – 1 Rob Limpert 226,000 3 – 2 Geordi Lobe 215,000 3 – 3 Kevin Voyer 64,000 3 – 4 Bash Ramahi 128,000 3 – 5 Steve Chung 459,000 3 – 6 Sen Vijayaratnam 931,000 3 – 7 Aaron Quon 344,000 3 – 8 Andy Wong 99,000 4 – 1 Skyler York 169,000 4 – 2 Quentin Siffledeen 310,000 4 – 4 Ron Lauzon 156,000 4 – 5 Keith Schultz 59,000 4 – 6 John Huynh 273,000 4 – 7 Mal Hagan 80,000 4 – 8 Ben Cooper 220,000 4 – 9 Mike Malm 94,000 5 – 1 Jeff Forester 393,000 5 – 3 Trevor Patrick 246,000 5 – 4 Nathan Masih 367,000 5 – 5 Garry Sandhu 459,000 5 – 6 Johnny Dalphond 137,000 5 – 7 Jerry Tria 182,000 5 – 8 Stephen Dauphinais 341,000 5 – 9 Yaofei Feng 140,000 Day 2 Stacks by Name
T-S Player Chips 3 – 7 Aaron Quon 344,000 1 – 1 Alemu Makonen 176,000 1 – 5 Alex Liu 332,000 1 – 9 Ali Khani 203,000 2 – 2 Andy Truong 136,000 3 – 8 Andy Wong 99,000 3 – 4 Bash Ramahi 128,000 4 – 8 Ben Cooper 220,000 2 – 6 Chad Horseman 71,000 1 – 7 Colten Yamagishi 503,000 5 – 5 Garry Sandhu 459,000 3 – 2 Geordi Lobe 215,000 1 – 6 Jatinder Brar 630,000 5 – 1 Jeff Forester 393,000 5 – 7 Jerry Tria 182,000 2 – 7 Jimmy Lee 380,000 4 – 6 John Huynh 273,000 5 – 6 Johnny Dalphond 137,000 4 – 5 Keith Schultz 59,000 3 – 3 Kevin Voyer 64,000 1 – 2 Kim Graham 98,000 1 – 3 Kyle Bonazzo 140,000 2 – 3 Kyle Levivki 116,000 4 – 7 Mal Hagan 80,000 2 – 4 Marc Lavergne 155,000 1 – 8 Michael Bernstein 41,000 4 – 9 Mike Malm 94,000 5 – 4 Nathan Masih 367,000 4 – 2 Quentin Siffledeen 310,000 3 – 1 Rob Limpert 226,000 4 – 4 Ron Lauzon 156,000 3 – 6 Sen Vijayaratnam 931,000 4 – 1 Skyler York 169,000 5 – 8 Stephen Dauphinais 341,000 3 – 5 Steve Chung 459,000 2 – 8 Taran Parmar 258,000 2 – 1 Thomas Taylor 89,000 2 – 5 Tony Comely 280,000 5 – 3 Trevor Patrick 246,000 5 – 9 Yaofei Feng 140,000 Day 2 Stacks by Chips
T-S Player Chips 3 – 6 Sen Vijayaratnam 931,000 1 – 6 Jatinder Brar 630,000 1 – 7 Colten Yamagishi 503,000 5 – 5 Garry Sandhu 459,000 3 – 5 Steve Chung 459,000 5 – 1 Jeff Forester 393,000 2 – 7 Jimmy Lee 380,000 5 – 4 Nathan Masih 367,000 3 – 7 Aaron Quon 344,000 5 – 8 Stephen Dauphinais 341,000 1 – 5 Alex Liu 332,000 4 – 2 Quentin Siffledeen 310,000 2 – 5 Tony Comely 280,000 4 – 6 John Huynh 273,000 2 – 8 Taran Parmar 258,000 5 – 3 Trevor Patrick 246,000 3 – 1 Rob Limpert 226,000 4 – 8 Ben Cooper 220,000 3 – 2 Geordi Lobe 215,000 1 – 9 Ali Khani 203,000 5 – 7 Jerry Tria 182,000 1 – 1 Alemu Makonen 176,000 4 – 1 Skyler York 169,000 4 – 4 Ron Lauzon 156,000 2 – 4 Marc Lavergne 155,000 1 – 3 Kyle Bonazzo 140,000 5 – 9 Yaofei Feng 140,000 5 – 6 Johnny Dalphond 137,000 2 – 2 Andy Truong 136,000 3 – 4 Bash Ramahi 128,000 2 – 3 Kyle Levivki 116,000 3 – 8 Andy Wong 99,000 1 – 2 Kim Graham 98,000 4 – 9 Mike Malm 94,000 2 – 1 Thomas Taylor 89,000 4 – 7 Mal Hagan 80,000 2 – 6 Chad Horseman 71,000 3 – 3 Kevin Voyer 64,000 4 – 5 Keith Schultz 59,000 1 – 8 Michael Bernstein 41,000 -
Brar Leads Day 1b Stacks
Level: 16 (3000/6000/6000) Entries: 23/179 (40/316) Prizes: $168,350 ($297,198) Player Chips Jatinder Brar 630,000 Colten Yamagishi 503,000 Steve Chung 459,000 Garry Sandhu 459,000 Nathan Masih 367,000 Aaron Quon 344,000 Stephen Dauphinais 341,000 Alex Liu 332,000 Quentin Siffledeen 310,000 Tony Comely 280,000 Taran Parmar 258,000 Rob Limpert 226,000 Ron Lauzon 156,000 Johnny Dalphond 137,000 Andy Truong 136,000 Kyle Levivki 116,000 Andy Wong 99,000 Kim Graham 98,000 Mike Malm 94,000 Mal Hagan 80,000 Kevin Voyer 64,000 Keith Schultz 59,000 Michael Bernstein 41,000 -
Fan Bubbles Day 2
Level: 16 (3000/6000/6000) Entries: 23/179 (40/316) Prizes: $168,350 ($297,198) Day 1b is complete now with 23 players left. Francis Fan, who won the Turbo game on Thursday, was the bubble tonight when he ran into Mike Malm’s pocket aces. Stay tuned for the chip counts from 1b and the seats for Day 2 coming in the next hour or two.
Official Bubble
Level: 16 (3000/6000/6000) Entries: 24/179 (41/316) Prizes: $168,350 ($297,198) They are down to 24 players left and there are 23 minutes to play in Level 16. They are still hand-for-hand until the next elimination.
Two off the Bags
Level: 15 (2500/5000/5000) Entries: 25/179 (42/316) Prizes: $168,350 ($297,198) They are two away from the bags coming out with 25 players left in 1b. The clock is already paused for hand-for-hand play as there was some tanking. They are at the end of Level 15 so they are taking a break and will be back in 15 minutes to finish it out.
Nathan Masih looks to be the leader still with around 600k in front of him.
Team RM & AG Wins the Team Game
Level: 13 (1500/3000/3000) Entries: 1/14 Prizes: $5,320 Team RM & AG, who have requested I not use their full names or pictures, took down the team game tonight for $3,299 while Ali Razzaq & Vlad Pechenkin took second for $2,021.
Ali Razzaq & Vlad Pechenkin, runners-up in the E15 Tag Team -
In the Money
Level: 13 (1500/3000/3000) Entries: 2/14 Prizes: $5,320 They are heads up in the team event with Ali Razzaq & Vlad Pechenkin versus RM & AG, who wish to remain anonymous. I won’t be posting a picture of them but team Razzaq/Pechenkin is below. RM & AG have the chip lead right now.
Ali Razzaq (L) & Vlad Pechenkin (R), one of the teams in the money in E15 -
10 Off the Bags
Level: 14 (2000/4000/4000) Entries: 33/179 (50/316) Prizes: $168,350 ($297,198) They are down to 33 players left with a bit more than 20 minutes to play in Level 14, putting them 10 players off the bags coming out. Day 1a ended on the final hand of Level 15, and it’s looking like 1b will end at about the same time.